
At All-In, we help scholars handle the financial aspects of college, from negotiating significant tuition discount packages with our partner universities to finding additional scholarships and providing funding of our own. But that’s just a start.
Through the work of our professional advisors and fellow scholars who serve as peer mentors, All- In Milwaukee ensures that each scholar receives personal guidance during the transition from high school to the complex and often unfamiliar world of higher education. From there, All-In advisors consistently support their social and emotional needs, connect them to a broader community of fellow scholars and cultivate their careers.
Here’s a road map of their journey:
Summer Before College
Fall Semester
Winter Break
Spring Semester
Summer/ Ongoing
All-In Milwaukee works with high school counselors and partner organizations to identify high-potential students who fit the application criteria.
The Pathway Partners nominate eligible high school seniors and All-In Milwaukee invites the student to apply for the program when the application opens in November.
In the most recent cycle, All-In Milwaukee worked with a total of more than 40 Milwaukee high schools, including Milwaukee Public Schools, private and charter schools, to select an incoming class of 175 scholars in Spring 2025.
In May, all new All-In Milwaukee scholars attend an orientation session, where they are provided a syllabus that maps out the next four years and sets expectations.
New scholars, along with continuing All-In Milwaukee scholars, attend summer socials to better connect with each other and the members of Milwaukee’s community who help fund their education.
In August, new scholars and continuing scholars gather for the Summer Institute, where they attend presentations that focus on the four key pillars of the AIM model: financial aid and literacy, academics, socio-emotional wellness, and career-readiness. AIM also hosts its annual Career Fair in August – a unique event for its scholars to meet and network AIM Career Partners who are seeking individuals for both internships and full-time positions.
New scholars will attend socials with continuing scholars on their campus to build community among All-In scholars at each University Partner.
All scholars attend the Winter Institute in January, with more information about social and emotional well-being, mental health and professional development.
Graduating seniors attend a retreat, where they learn more about life and professional skills such as how to read and respond to a job offer letter, how to ask for a raise and how to resolve workplace conflicts.
Graduating seniors attend a graduation celebrations.
Scholars participate in intentional experiences during the summer including study abroad programs, research opportunities, and summer classes to continue their college studies and stay on track to graduate.
By becoming an All-In Milwaukee scholar, you are committing to complete college at one of our University Partners and matriculate into the Wisconsin workforce. High school seniors interested in applying to be a part of the All-In Milwaukee program must be nominated by an AIM Pathway Partner and meet the eligibility criteria of the program.
The Class of 2025 All-in Milwaukee scholar application has closed. The Class of 2026 application will open in late fall 2025.
All-In Milwaukee (AIM) is a college completion program that provides financial aid, advising, program and career support to high potential, limited-income, diverse Milwaukee students, helping them complete college, build meaningful careers and transform the Milwaukee community.
© 2025, All-In Milwaukee, all rights reserved.
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